Pub Theology is in person tonight at the Community Bar at 7:00 pm

Pub Theology is back in person tonight at 7:00 pm, we will be holding it at The Community Bar which can be found at 2703 Smith St. Houston Tx 77006. Click Here for Directions.
Here are this week’s discussion topics: Christmas music, Advent, and the evolution of humanity
- Some folks have had their Christmas tree up for a week or two already. When is the right time to put up a tree and start listening to Christmas music?
- On the church calendar, do you find Advent or Lent more meaningful?
- Father Richard Rohr writes: “No matter what is going on around us, it’s important to remember that God keeps transforming creation into something both good and new. Instead of hurtling us towards catastrophe, God always wants to bring us somewhere even better. A helpful word here is “evolution.””
Do you agree that humanity is heading somewhere better?
- The Jewish philosopher, Maimonides, also known as Rambam, said: “It is necessary to bear in mind that Scripture only teaches the chief points of those true principles which lead to the true perfection of man, and only demands in general terms faith in them.” Do you agree that the Scriptures teach how humanity can be perfected?
- “Too many good ideas are overwhelming, and they can keep us from doing anything at all.” ~Tsh Oxenreider. Do you resonate with this? Is there such a thing as too many good ideas?