Christmas Schedule and More

Advent Schedule for 2021


Advent Booklet for 2021

Last week was the first Sunday of Advent, we had made available in person our special Advent Book. We still have quite a few available and will have them out during this week’s services as well. If you are unable to come in and get one but would like to have a copy you can download a digital copy from the link below.

Advent Book 2021

Trinity Sing-A-Long With Thanh. Sunday, December 12, 2021, at 11:45 am in Fellowship Hall

On Sunday, December the 12th, at 11:45 am we will be honored to have Thanh Montes leading us in A-Sing-Along during our Festive coffee hour after the 10:30 am Service. We will have several books printed out to follow along with for this joyful event.

If you would like to have a digital copy of the songbook it can be found below.

Trinity Sing-A-Long with Thanh

Trinity Sing-A-Long With Carver. Sunday, December 05, 2021

On December 05 along with a Visit from St. Nicholas, we are having a Trinity Sing-A-Long with Carver at 11:45 am in the Fellowship Hall after the 10:30 am Service. We will have several of these booklets printed out, If you would like a digital copy click on the link below.

Trinity Sing-A-Long With Carver

Gifts that matter, If you are looking for a unique Christmas gift for someone special this year, but you don’t want to just buy more “stuff”, we have an opportunity for you to honor that special person and to honor and help Trinity at the same time! Our clergy and staff have put together a wish list of items that will help Trinity and its ministries. To see this list please click on the link below.

Gifts that Matter

Christmas Outreach Projects



Here is our Christmas Schedule for 2021


If you would like a downloadable copy click Here