2024 Easter Flower Ordering is now Live:

Ordering Easter Flowers for 2024 is now live and available to make your dedications.
You can order Easter flowers in two ways either by going to our online form Order Easter Flowers Here or by filling out a paper form that can be found at any of our services in the lobby or on the table in the central hallway between the Holman St entrance and Sanctuary.
Please note the Deadline for placing your order/dedication is Palm Sunday 03/24/2024 at 5 pm. You can submit payment for your flower dedication by using https://onrealm.org/TrinityMidtown/-/form/give/now make sure to select Easter flowers from the Fund drop-down option.
If you choose to pay by check for your flowers, please make sure to include the Easter order form with your check. You can either drop off your check to the Front office during Office hours, put it in the collection plate at one of the Three Services, or mail it in, just please remember to include your Easter order form!
If you have any additional questions please feel free to contact [email protected]