2022 Lenten Devotional Sign up

Parishioners are invited to submit devotionals for our Lenten booklet. The format will be:

Scripture (daily scripture readings with collect for each day in Lent 2022 are found at: lectionarypage.net) , very brief comment and/or prayer, space for reflection. The size will be the same as the Advent booklet – one page for each day (finished size 5 ½ x 8 ½). It is possible that we will not be able to use all submissions, but they may be reserved for a later booklet. The deadline for submission is February 14, 2022. Contact Pat if you have any questions or email your writings to: [email protected].

Sign-up for this year’s Lenten Devotional are now closed.

Please note: Once you sign up for a date it will remove it from the ones that can be selected. If for some reason you cannot do the date you sign up for, please notify [email protected] Thanks!