Healing Ministry

For many years, Trinity has had a Healing Prayer Team. The current members are very excited about where God continues to lead them. They are a group of individuals who want to stand with you in prayer through the Laying on of Hands. They offer themselves to be channels through which Divine Grace will flow into the life of another to give freedom and newness of life. Come before the side altar and lay your heart to God, and you will find Christ’s healing presence there.

We offer the Laying on of Hands at every 10:30 am Sunday service. If you attend the service you have probably seen two or three people in the side chapel area. At Communion, whether you receive the sacrament or not, you are invited to receive the Laying on of Hands. You may come for yourself; for any physical, mental or emotional need, or you may come seeking healing for someone else; a family member or a friend. If walking up for healing poses a physical difficulty, we will come to you. Just ask an usher or someone seated near you to let us know. If you would like to be a part of this very important ministry at Trinity, please contact the front office.