Pastoral Ministries
Christians have lovely ways to care for each other, some of which are listed below. There are always opportunities to lend a helping hand or a listening ear. Trinity is a caring community quick to reach out and help each other in times of need with practical help and to offer prayers for those in need. During church service, we pray for those in need during the Prayers of the People. We also have a Prayer Chain Ministry, whose members pray daily for those in need. Christians have always been known for their love for each other, and helping out is one of the major ways we demonstrate this love. If you feel the calling to care for your brothers and sisters in Christ, prayerfully consider one of these ministries.
Evening Prayer Officiants
Trinity Lay Persons, called “Officiants, lead an Evening Prayer Service Monday through Friday at 5:30pm for the homeless or those in need, many of whom are part of the Lord …
Healing Ministry
For many years, Trinity has had a Healing Prayer Team. The current members are very excited about where God continues to lead them. They are a group of individuals who …
Pastoral Care
Pastoral Care at Trinity focuses on visiting parishioners who have become sick or have had an accident in the short term or due to age or illness in the long …
Prayer Chain
The true purpose of praying for others is to offer ourselves as channels of God’s grace. When we act as intercessor we are forming a link in the link. We …
Prayer Shawl Ministry
The Prayer Shawl Ministry members knit or crochet shawls that are given to persons who are ill, have suffered a loss, or are in the midst of a life crisis. …
Hospitality Apartments
The Hospitality Apartments provide free temporary housing in a welcoming and supportive environment for families who are in need while receiving medical treatment in or nearby the Texas Medical Center. …
Funeral Ministry
Trained volunteers work with family members of the deceased to ensure that arrangements go smoothly before and during the funeral service. Rather than a traditional funeral service, families sometimes elect …
Caroling to the Homebound
During the last Sunday before Christmas Day each year at 2:00 p.m. as we go caroling! We plan on visiting the homebound members of Trinity to spread the joy of …
Longest Night Liturgy
Saturday, December 21, 2019 – 6pm – Morrow Chapel Also known as a “Blue Christmas” service we will hold a service of prayer and mindfulness of those dealing with loss …