Pub Theology

Pub Theology, 7 pm-8:30 pm, last Wednesdays of the month through May,

excluding December, gather at The Mucky Duck located at 2425 Norfolk St

If you have wanted to come to a gathering but have not yet, we encourage you to come – it’s a great time to start!

Come and join us for a pint and some great discussion based on questions that are theologically, socially, and relationally relevant. Check the website for up-to-date information at

Pub Theology Dates for the Spring of 2024

Jan. 31st, Feb. 28th, March 20th, April 24th, May 29th.

What is Pub Theology? Open and honest conversation about things that matter. A table at which all perspectives are welcome.

The format is simple: beer, conversation, and God.

Come bring your questions, bring a friend, and pull up a chair. Be ready to engage with people of varying religious traditions, philosophical perspectives and life experiences. You’ll be able to share your own wrestlings and thoughts while learning something new along the way.