Newcomer Ministry

Welcoming our guests to Trinity is one way to live into our Mission Statement. Our guests are God’s weekly gift to us, giving us an opportunity to share those He sends to us.
The challenge of integrating guests into a worship community requires a commitment to making all who come feel welcome. A group of energetic parishioners have worked together to develop and implement a process to achieve that goal based on guidelines developed and promoted by the Diocese.
Teams of interested parishioners work before the service helping parishioners with their nametags and helping the greeters. After the service, team members are at the back to assist clergy in greeting our guests and escorting them to coffee hour.
Materials have been prepared to gather information about our guests, to share with them the opportunities for worship and service at Trinity, a gift bag for guests which includes a magnet with Trinity worship information, a card with succinct information about Trinity and its varied ministries, and a snack. Additional materials are continually being created and evaluated.
A significant aspect of this welcoming process is for all our members to participate by wearing name tags so everyone can be greeted by name. This is welcoming to our guests and also for each of us to get to know our fellow parishioners better. Preprinted disposal name tags are available at the back of the church before the service and in the narthex of the chapel.
If you are interested in being part of this important ministry, please contact Pat Laubach.