Moveable Feasts
Each group has a coordinator to get things started. Dinners are hosted by group members. The host chooses the date and location and provides the main course. Other members coordinate their offerings with the host. The dinner can be as formal or informal as the host desires. Paper plates, plastic and lap-dining are OK. Groups are autonomous, but will probably meet only three or four times this Spring. Not every member needs to host; others may co-host and contribute dishes. Other options might be Sunday brunch or an interesting ethnic restaurant (dutch treat, of course).
Families with young children may prefer a family group, so please let us know if that is your interest. This group will choose locations, times, and activities suitable for the age range.
If you would like to take part in the Moveable Feast program, please contact the front office.
Please tell us your email and home address, phone number(s), and choose your level of involvement: Small Group Coordinator, Host or Co-Host for one meeting, or Contributor of a dish or beverage.