Emergency Aid Coalition

Each year the Emergency Aid Coalition (EAC) helps thousands of people in Houston to meet their basic needs and attain self-sufficiency. Trinity is part of that effort.
About the EAC
The Emergency Aid Coalition is designed to help those in our community meet their basic needs while promoting self-sufficiency. The EAC offers a variety of services and helps thousands of people each year.
Trinity and the EAC
Throughout the year Trinity collects clothing and food for the EAC. Each Thanksgiving Trinity organizes a food drive for the EAC. Last year we collected a full pick-up truck load of food weighing approximately 1,000 pounds.
Volunteer with the EAC
The EAC is always in need of volunteers. Bilingual interviwers are needed from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. and volunteers for the clothing center on Fridays. If you’d like to volunteer, or want more information, please contact Marian Bryant, Volunteer Coordinator [email protected].
The EAC Needs…
The EAC is now serving about 300 sack lunches daily. That means that at least 600 sandwiches must be made every day. The EAC needs many more volunteers to help make these lunches. Individuals may volunteer on their own or get together a group of their friends to prepare sandwiches. Availability on a weekday morning is required.
The grocery delivery program is also growing, and volunteers are needed to deliver groceries from the Food Pantry to homebound individuals. Currently the EAC delivers on the first Sunday and third Saturday of each month. Volunteers are needed on both days.
Interested volunteers may contact 713-528-FOOD or complete the volunteer form on our website at www.eachouston.org.
Emergency Aid Coalition Books & Backpacks
Each year in March clients receive registration forms and return in April for the interview process. Distribution is in August. Each student will receive a quality backpack, grade appropriate school supplies and a school uniform. Supplies are limited and are available only to pre-registered clients. A photo ID for parents and a birth certificate for each child is required to register