Episcopal Way Class on Saturday, May 25th from 9am to 4pm

Discovering Your Membership at Trinity – The Episcopal Way Classes

Seeking membership at Trinity is a very important step. The Episcopal Way is a class designed to give you a deeper understanding of the Episcopal Church and its ways. help you find your place in the life of our Church. We will be offering one intensive class weekends and an online course option with an in-person teacher follow-up meeting.

Saturday, May 25th – 9:00 am to 4:00 pm, Smith Room.

These classes are open to everyone; especially those new to the tradition, desiring to be Baptized, Confirmed, or Received into the Episcopal Church. For more information about becoming a member of Trinity, please contact Carol Turley, Membership Secretary, at [email protected]. or speak to Hannah or Rich, our clergy.

Books for further reading:

Episcopal Questions, Episcopal Answers: Exploring Christian Faith by C.K. Robertson and Ian S. Markham

Unabashedly Episcopalian: Proclaiming the Good News of the Episcopal Church by C. Andrew Doyle