The Vestry is the “Board of Directors” for the parish. The Vestry is the authoritative body of the Congregation and is subject only to the Diocesan and National Church Canons. The Vestry is responsible for determining the policies and goals of the congregation and is to communicate with the congregation about the goals, concerns, and functioning of the Church in the modern world.
The Senior Warden is appointed by the Rector from the Vestry members. The Junior Warden is elected by the vestry from its members. The wardens may be requested by the Rector to preside in his/her place.
Andy Durham, Senior Warden
Eric Beam, Junior Warden
Teddy Adams, Chancellor
Dana Gannon, Assistant Chancellor
Larry Laubach, Treasurer
Steve Lee, Assistant Treasurer
Ben Blanding, Clerk of the Vestry
Samantha Rainman, Assistant Clerk of the Vestry
Vestry Members
Tony Huffman
Pam Lawson
Mary Matteucci
John Merullo
Samantha Rainman
Jeanne Sommerfeld
Andréa Shiloh
Gladys Vallés
David Villarreal
To get in touch with the vestry, please contact the church office at [email protected] or 713-528-4100.
Annual Parish Report January 2023 • Conflict Resolution Policy
Trinity Bylaws •
Vestry Retreat 2023
Hello all, if you had trouble accessing Vestry Packet Materials, click on links below and they should download into a PDF for you. Thanks!! Vestry Retreat Overview Halo Effect Report …